Finding Miracles In Your Life

I state in my book: Living In The Realm Of Miracles and Angel Encounters, I do not feel worthy to witness such miracles . . . I don’t know why God chose me to be his witness in so many miracles, but I do know He had a plan for my life. Just like he has a plan for your life. Our presence on this earth was no accident. There are no accidents of who we are and why we were born. We all have a divine purpose and reason for living on this planet, Earth. “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body, and knit them together in my mother’s womb. . . . You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion! You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book! Psalms 139:13-16 The Living Bible

Ask your creator to help you find you way in life. Ask him for what ever you need… Remember you need HIM to help you. So, ask for HIS help. You will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you, You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29;12-13 It sounds so simple, but it is true. all you need to do to have the divine protection, love, peace, eternal salvation, and direction from God is to say this short prayer: “Jesus I know you are the son of God, and came to this earth to save us by your sacrifice on the cross, death, and resurrection. I ask you to come into my heart right now and save me from the troubles of this world and give me peace and guidance in my life. I believe in the Father, Son, and help of the Holy Spirit. I confess my sins in my life and ask to be forgiven of them through the blood of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Today I am now a new person in Christ!! Amen.

dramatic photograph of the ocean
Photo by Tetyana Kovyrina on



Feathers Of Hope In The Storm


He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” Psalm 91:4. “How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings.” Psalm 36:7 “You have allowed me to suffer much hardship, but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth.” Psalm 71:20.

Book: Feathers Of Hope In The Storm 

By Brigitte A. Murchison 


Sometimes there are defining moments in one’s life that drastically realign the time frame of your life’s journey. These moments alter your reality of everything in your life, from before this event and after … and nothing is ever the same. The following are the true events that totally stopped author Brigitte Murchison’s life’s time frame. Her life as she knew it would forever… by no means be the same.

A true story of hope against all odds College film student, Ryan Daniel Murchison dies in a tragic car wreck and is brought back into this world carried in the arms of Angels. Feathers of hope from Angels are left along the heartbreaking and astounding journey of miracles, healing, and triumph over death. Angels encouraged his mother who refused to accept the doctors who said, “Your son has a severe traumatic brain injury and his injuries are most likely fatal”. Faith, prayers, and divine intervention bring him back into this world, while doctors claim his recovery is a miracle. He came out of a coma with the most severe brain injury a patient can have. The only thing lower on a brain injury scale that rated the severity of his injury . . . was death! An amazing true story of hope, down a miraculous path to recovery, and a new life.

On that, fateful morning the phone call from a police officer came early in the predawn light during a severe thunderstorm. Two shocked and heartbroken parents began the long nine-hour drive to Waco, Texas. The heavens wept with them as they pressed on in the torrential pouring down rain. The anguished couple were trying desperately to get to their son and hoping he would still be alive when they got there. The dark grey weather that fateful day offered little visibility as they drove through the worst rain and emotional storm of their lives. Spiritually, and emotionally they were blind to what lay ahead of them on their long road of despair. There was a tiny bit of hope tightly grasped in their desperate hearts as, they began their dark journey into the eye of the storm.


People often face storms in their lives. How they navigate them often affects the outcome and their survival. We all must endure the inevitable storms of life. No one is immune to them. Storms and conflict will come in due season, and the rain will pour out of the clouds as tragedy strikes, and brings us to our knees. Thunder explodes in our mind as we are forced to face an unplanned tragic event when we least expect it. Recovering from a dramatic event is an ongoing journey that often seems like it has no end in sight. Author, Brigitte A. Murchison had to face her storm at 6:00 am when the phone rang… Torrential heartbreaking grief rained into the author’s life that predawn morning when she heard the words, “Your son has been in a terrible accident”.

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“God makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.” Mathew 5:45.

This true story of tragedy turned into triumph will reach the depths of your soul leading you out of your storm a changed person forever. As you learn that we are never left alone to struggle but carried in the arms of angels, as they show us how to soar on healing wings into the next chapter of our lives. After reading this book, you will eventually discover the rainbow after the storms in your life too, as healing and new faith saturates your very being.

A must read for anyone who has experienced a tragedy or unexpected disappointment that took your breath away, broke your heart, or knocked you to your knees … as you ask Why? Why did this happen to me, and where is God’s plan in all of this suffering? This inspiring true story will help you find the peace, grace, and understanding to go on and overcome those dark stormy trials, you have endured in your life too.

“… So that no one would be unsettled by these trials. For you know quite well that we are destined for them.” 1 Thessalonians 3:3 NIV

We all love those feel good happy ending true stories in life but we want them to happen to someone else, because we do not want to go through all the trauma, worry, and a broken heart that precedes the earth-shattering event that led up to a miracle. Sometimes we are not fortunate to just hear about a miracle… sometimes we have to live through it.

047 car debris angel light

Note From Author Brigitte A. Murchison:

“I published a book titled: Living In The Realm Of Miracles and Angel Encounters which was  full of miracles and angel stories that happened to me in my life prior to the earth-shattering event of my son’s car wreck that occurred  a few months later. I thought that nothing could be more astounding than the miracles I wrote about, such as actual face-to-face encounters of angels in my life. I was wrong. I was dead wrong. Nothing prepared me for the kind of miracles Jesus wanted to show me in my life the summer of 2012.”

You are my hiding place from every storm of life; you even keep me from getting into trouble! You surround me with songs of victory. I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress”. Psalms 32: 7-8 The Living Bible

This book coming soon . . . By Author: Brigitte A. Murchison

Author Interview of Brigitte A. Murchison   Face Book: Feathers Of Hope On Angel Wings

Video Interview:



Eternal Love

Bride Groom 1. churchKiss Statues

I looked down the pew
I was looking at you
What a handsome profile
Big, soul penetrating, blue eyes

Something inside of me stirred
It did not make sense at first …
What was this unexpected urge
It was months before I was convinced

My heart had gone ahead of my will
It was as if my soul was dancing …
Could he be the one I was dreaming of?
My mind said no! My spirit said yes!!

I am convinced …
It was the meeting of our souls
That caused me to fall so very deeply
It was if they were dancing to a song of old

As if before creation of you or I
Our souls once met in heaven
Before plunging far to earth… landing
Into tiny new bodies awaiting to meet

Though growing up we were separated
By miles and miles and different states
It was destiny’s desire for us to be together…
Our souls intertwined as one in time and space

Both were not whole or complete before
But, desperately missing our other half …
Before we met here on earth our soul mate
Previously from another time … and place

Destiny’s fate was greater …
Than our mere faith that brought us together
What heaven has joined is greater …
Than anything that could separate us until the end … and later

You truly are my eternal forever lover never to be separated in this life
Through joys and in strife we shall endure storms and sunny days …
We will love, honor, and respect each other until destiny steals us away
Our souls intertwined and joined eternally, until reunited back in heaven                                         Copyright 2014 : Brigitte A. Murchison

Click On Link Below    Play Song:   You’re Still The One

Treasure This Day


Each day is of value …
The good, the bad, the sad, and the lovely.

The Lord is always listening and seeing …
You are here so God can experience the world through your eyes.

Every day He falls in love with His creation …
All over again … because of you and what you do.

Enjoy each day and live your life to the fullest …
It is the most sacred and treasured thing you can do.

How thankful I am to have this gift of life each day …
All that I see, do, and say, treasured gifts to reflect in my old age.

Copyright 2014 Brigitte A. Murchison

My Day Is A Blank Canvas

Heart Sky Birds

Do with it what you will…

Fill it with beautiful colors

Fill it with sacred memories

Fill it with visions for love of others

Fill it with glorious sunshine from above

Fill it with remembrances of your beauty

Let me see the good in others

Let me remember faces filled with smiles

Let me see beauty that others pass by un-noticed

Let me see your miracles in creation

Let me breathe in a fragment of nature’s beauty

May I feel your holy presence …

As you, cradle me in your safe harbor.

May I feel like the masterpiece you created me to be.

(Copyright Brigitte A. Murchison)


The Kiss Of True Love

Kiss of Love

A young couple in bed cuddle
The first light of morning
Slips through the window shades
They lay gazing into each other’s eyes

It is their first night home
From a hospital stay…
She had a tumor removed from
Her cheek, He was glad she was saved

A nerve was cut in surgery
It left her with a twisted palsy lip
She asked him if he still loved her
His face lit up with a convincing smile

He tenderly leaned in …
For the most deeply passionate kiss
He twists his lip to match hers
Passion and eagerness overcome them

This kiss of true love …
Sustained their passion…
As their bodies melded into one
Her fears subsided with the kiss of true love

“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
endures all things for the ultimate good of those we love.” (1 Cor. 13:7)
Copyright 2014 Brigitte A. Murchison
See Pictures Of Love (Click link below)

Angels Gather Near

angel clouds (2)5ab5f2c773cc3c27b4a563c06315af59[1]

If we strain our ears to hear the deafening silence of angels gathered near,
We would notice the gentle rubbing of feathered wings if only we could hear.
But, through the years our hearts and our faith has withered and closed our ears,
Our memories, have all but vanished, our visions so blurred, not noticing a feather near.
If only our hearts opened once more, to pure thoughts, surely we would see one this year.
Then all would see as I do, great multitudes of angels waiting…lovingly gathered here.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings, you will find refuge. Psalm 91:4
Copyright 2007 Brigitte A. Murchison

Brigitte A. Murchison

Book cover

Contact Information for published Author Brigitte A. Murchison


Twitter me a message : @brigittemurch

Books / Websites:

Book: Living In The Realm Of Miracles and AngelEncounters

Website To Order Book Living In The Realm ….  :

Face Book page for Book: Living In the Realm …

New Book Coming Soon ….  Feathers Of Hope On Angel Wings

This new book is an inspiring true story with a happy miraculous ending … about the author’s son, a film student in college who overcame a traumatic brain injury from a car wreck. Doctors told her his injuries were most likely fatal!! All doctors told her he was a walking miracle and he could not by any medical standards be improving physically. Also, that it was not medically possible that he was progressing so fast after his serious injuries.

He had to relearn everything from chewing, swallowing, walking, talking, and all he had learned academically from grade school to high school again. The author, Brigitte A. Murchison was given signs from angels with feathers left along her heart-breaking journey that lasted two years until her son recovered enough to return to college at Baylor University (U.S.A.)

Website to Read about this book Feathers Of Hope and see pictures:

Face Book Page Feathers Of Hope :

Children’s Book Published: Saint Cat and the Big Flood

All the artwork was done by the author and the book was co-written with Lilajean Almond.



Love’s Melted Flame

Diligently we labored upon passion’s alter,
Amid melted wax our love would not falter.

Love’s bursting flames anew, we were mid-twenty,
Ultimately everyday life’s passion ticked gently,

Our love so young, our fuel plenty,
Never a thought, of our lover’s cup running empty.

Bright blinding desire it did reveal,
Once upon our window sill.

Once Lovers wrestled beneath it’s dancing light,
Now dusty and forgotten, silently awaiting delight.

Life’s melted wax was removed but, it wasn’t quit like new,
But it was discovered old wax could relight passions we once knew.
Copyright By Brigitte A. Murchison U.S.A.

Stillness Of Life

woman bed prayingBy Brigitte A. Murchison

He never opened his eyes
He did not move. ..
He laid there in a coma
In his silent tomb of a body

I thought death was the
Worse thing that could
Happen to your child
Until this . . .

The thought of our son
Laying in a bed being kept
Alive by machines for the
Rest of his life . . .
Was worse than death!

Through the hushing of
Machines pushing oxygen
Through his lungs in silence . . .
We waited for a miracle

Thought Provoking But True Miracles, Angel Encounters Love, Life, Inspirational Stories